API Reference

Learn how to access UNLOQ end points

POST /custom/emails

Save current transport settings

POST https://api-authenticator.iwelcome.com/v1/custom/emails
   Authorization: Bearer {your application API Key}
   Content-Type: application/json
Body parameters
  • type (enum) - 'MAILGUN' or 'AWS' - Required.
  • email_from (email) - Required.
  • email_admin (email) - Required.
  • email_reply (email) - Optional.
  • from_name (string) - Optional.
  • auth (JSON) - Optional. Settings from the mail provider in JSON format.

The auth must contain access information from your email provider.

MAILGUN example:

  "api_key": "YOUR-AWS-API-KEY"

AWS example:

  "region": "REGION",
  "accessKeyId": "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
  "secretAccessKey": "YOUR-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY"
Result format (200 OK)
  "type": "api.application.email.save",
  "result": {
    "id": "12345ABCDEF",
    "type": "AWS",
    "is_verified": true,
    "auth": "ABCDEF1234",
    "email_from": "no-reply@example.com",
    "email_reply": "reply@example.com",
    "email_admin": "admin@example.com",
    "from_name": "Example Name",
    "domain": "example.com",
    "send_count": 35,
    "fail_count": 0,
    "organization_id": "1",
    "application_id": "1",
    "created_at": "2016-10-26T07:22:01.000Z",
    "region": "eu-west-5"

Have a question? You can always send us an email at support@unloq.io, or contact us on chat.

For security related concerns, please visit our Security page.